Universities Caribbean

The Association defines the Caribbean as the geographical area comprising islands of the Antilles and coastal zones of countries surrounding the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, including Central America and the Northern region of South America and the Guianas, thereby acknowledging the trans-national, trans-lingual and trans-cultural forces of the region. Universities Caribbean encourages “cooperation and solidarity based on mutuality of interests and shared benefits” and aims to be the Caribbean region’s voice in the areas of quality, globalization, resilience, and financial sustainability. The general mandate given Universities Caribbean is to integrate the regional university sector and enhance its quality and regional impact. The Association’s new strategic plan [Triple R] is built upon three pillars: to improve the REPUTATION of the sector; to enhance the RESILIENCE of the member universities; and to increase the REVENUE position of members and sector.

Actions towards sustainability for this organisation

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News for this organisation

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Documents of this Organisation

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