Assam Don Bosco University
Tapesia Gardens, Kamarkuchi Village, Sonapur
782 402 Guwahati, Assam, India
The IAU WHED ID Is a global unique identifier. Learn more here on the IAU World Higher Education Database.

Sustainability at ADBU
Assam Don Bosco University has integrated sustainability in its curriculum, but also in the University operations (community involvement, long-term planning, sustainability monitoring...).
Read more about Assam Don Bosco University's work across SDGs :
The University works especially on maintaining and developing eco-consciousness, by dealing with energy consumption and production, waste management and the development of green campuses. A clean energy agenda has been developed and the University has taken up various environmental friendly projects (find out more on these projects using the link below).
More Information
Assam Don Bosco University leads SDG 7 of the IAU Cluster on HESD.