Autonomous Metropolitan University Mexico (UAM)
Prolongación Canal de Miramontes 3855
Col. Ex-Hacienda San Juan de Dios
Alcaldía de Tlalpan
C.P. 14387, Ciudad de México.
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The Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) is a public university founded on 1974 on the idea of innovation. It offers 82 undergraduate
and 113 graduate programs, and has over 194,000 students at five locations.
Sustainability at UAM
UAM has been committed to sustainability for more than a decade. In 1974, UAM was the first Mexican university to offer an undergraduate degree in Environmental Engineering. Today, several of the academic divisions have sustainability degrees and research within a multidisciplinary perspective. With a strong link to our social environment, our flexibility has helped us maintain our place in the vanguard of higher education. Every campus has their own sustainability plan and activities. Many activities are around learning, research and community engagement.