University Foundation of the Andean Region
Cl. 69 #15-40, Bogota
Risaralda, Colombia
The IAU WHED ID Is a global unique identifier. Learn more here on the IAU World Higher Education Database.

The University Foundation of the Andean Region has more than 35 years of experience in Higher Education, with a presence in the main capitals of Colombia, South America.
Sustainable Development
The National Directorate of Social Responsibility and Cooperation seeks to contribute to the development and sustainability of the institution and its target social groups, with criteria of transparency and ethics in all actions. From education they create a culture of responsibility in their students, graduates, teachers and administrators.
Learn about the projects here.
For 7 years the institution has carried out the rendering of accounts of its activities. Since 2014 it has gone from carrying out its social and environmental balance to building a sustainability report, which responds to its three dimensions and which has allowed the university to align its management with international standards such as GRI, the Global Compact, PRME and the SDGs.
Find the latest report from 2023 here.
More about the Social Responsibility and Cooperation here.