EAUC Guidance Document: Supplier Assurance for Responsible Procurement
New Guidance: Supplier Assurance for Responsible Procurement (by EAUC, 2024)
For most organisations, procurement of goods and services makes up a huge part – often around 80% – of their carbon footprint and wider impacts on the environment and society, much more than direct emissions from energy and fuel usage. That is why all of us who are involved in purchasing have such a crucial role to play in reducing our organisations’ supply chain risks and climate impacts. This guide sets out practical ways to do this, pitfalls to avoid and further sources of advice that you can draw on. Hopefully it will help you, your colleagues, and suppliers on your journey towards more sustainable practices.
Find the document here: https://www.eauc.org.uk/file_uploads/supplier_assurance_for_responsible_procurement.pdf