University Network on Gender, Equity and Sexual Diversity

RUGEDS is the University Network on Gender, Equity, and Sexual Diversity of the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUALC). RUGEDS brings together higher education institutions from all over Latin America and the Caribbean, affiliated or not to UDUALC, which have designated representatives to the Network. 

RUGEDS's goals: 

  1. To strengthen a network of HEIs aimed at strengthening, exchanging, and promoting comprehensive and cross-cutting public educational policies with a gender perspective.

  2. To produce and disseminate critical and reflective knowledge.

  3. To produce reliable statistics on the relevant themes of the Network

  4. To generate capacities in the university systems of Latin America and the Caribbean (material and human resources) to give support and continuity to comprehensive and cross-cutting policies aimed at building equity, respect, and inclusion of women and sexual diversity. 

  5. Encourage, promote, and organize events on gender and sexual diversity in higher education.

  6. Promote inter-institutional, responsible, transparent, participatory, and open articulation, not only between HEIs, but also with various state levels and with actors/actresses from civil society.

To become part of the network, see more here 

Find more on UDUALC's other networks here

Latest update: 28.05.2024