SDGs associated
Universities associated
Action Category

Sectorial Commission on Environmental Quality, Sustainable Development and Risk Prevention (CADEP)


The Sectorial Commission on Environmental Quality, Sustainable Development and Risk Prevention (CADEP) was created in 2002 at the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).


  • Strengthen the management and environmental awareness of Spanish universities
  • Promote cooperation for exchange of successful experiences and coordination with other social actors

Main activities

Drafting institutional declarations on specific themes (preventive culture, sustainable procurement measures, introduction of sustainability in curricula).

Ten active working groups on the introduction of sustainability in curricula, environmental participation and voluntary work, environmental improvements of buildings and sustainable mobility and healthy universities amongst others. 

Participation in monitoring Spanish universities’ commitments to sustainability.


Increasing number of participating universities from 19 at the inaugural ceremony in 2002 to 40 in 2012.

Over 85% of Spanish universities have taken part in CADEP events.



Latest update: 31.10.2023