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Advancing Gender Equity in Higher Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) is commemorating the International Women’s Day 2025 with a series of events from March 3–31, highlighting the role of women in academia and promoting gender equity. Various faculties, schools, and disciplines have joined in a new commemoration of International Women's Day . A series of activities will be held to highlight the role of women at UC and in today's world. These events are free for both UC community and general public to join. Here are some upcoming events:

  • IMC UC Women's Luncheon: The purpose is to  conduct reflective activities where participating students, academics, and staff members of the Institute of Mathematical and Computational Engineering can exchange opinions on various topics related to gender equity, especially in their areas of study and career development.
  • Female Philosophers in Perspective: A Tribute on March 8: The Gender Equity Unit of the Faculty of Philosophy invites everyone to join a conversation on the influence of female philosophers in shaping contemporary thought.
  • Panel: Holiness in a Feminine Key: Discussion on Saints Who Made a Mess: The Department of Pastoral and Christian Culture, the UC Faculty of Theology, and Humanitas Magazine organise a double-date panel to reflect on how the "feminine genius" can be placed at the service of God. Through the testimony of European and Latin American saints, we will explore the impact of women who challenged their times and shaped history with their spirituality and commitment.

You can discover the upcoming events of UC here and learn about the Gender Equity Directorate of UC




Latest update: 24.03.2025