New Springer Prospects issue out now: renewing the social contract for education

This special issue of the Prospects Journal includes several contributions from IAU and Cluster Members, under the focus of UNESCO's Futures of Education initiative: Volume 54, Issue 2 of Prospects: Renewing the Social Contract for Education

Prospects is a leading journal providing comparative and international perspectives on current issues in curriculum, learning, and assessment. UNESCO partnered with a number of contributors from the UNESCO Chairs Network to curate diverse perspectives, responding to UNESCO’s invitation to renew the social contract for education. The article on Envisioning leadership for tomorrow’s collective well-being is co-authored by several members of the IAU HESD Cluster for SDG 4: Charles Hopkins, Katrin Kohl, Robert J. Didham, Dzul Razak, Zainal Sanusi, and Mirian Vilela. 

Latest update: 04.09.2024