Students Organizing for Sustainability (SOS)

Globally, less than 3% of people go to university, but 80% of leaders have a higher education degree. However, most universities are not yet ensuring that all their graduates are equipped with the knowledge and competencies needed to be leaders for a sustainable and just future. Meanwhile, as students have always been at the heart of social change, we are witnessing an increasing number of student led sustainability initiatives . Yet most of these do not reach further than their own institutions , while students who want to develop such projects on the other hand, do not always know how to get started. Hence, SOS International convenes (inter)national student led and student focused organisations, working on sustainability and social justice, to • support more and better action among education institutions and student organisations • scale programs and campaigns to have wider reach and greater impact • strengthen capacity of member organisations to empower student leadership • Amplify the voice of students worldwide to influence systemic change SOS runs multiple sustainability programs, projects and campaigns, together with the SOS members. Building on over a decade of experience, this portfolio is designed to be easily adapted in new organisations and countries. Read more about the programs here. SOS undertakes research on students and sustainability that can leverage action to transform education and direct society to a more sustainable and fair future, such as the 2020 Student Sustainability Survey. Find out more here. SOS strengthen collaboration and capacity among their members and mobilizes funding together. Find out more on their membership page here. SOS offers workshops, event facilitation and consultancy to all organizations interested in sustainability and/or working with students and youth. Have a look at their services here.

News for this organisation

Learning from Practice: How can we better embed sustainability in higher education?

Join us for this interactive workshop and learn from testimonals from case studies from the Responsible Futures Programme on 25th March - online

Responsible Futures Student Sustainability Symposium

Join us for an exciting Student Sustainability Symposium featuring workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities for students and staff. Sessions will also showcase good practice in student engagement and green skill development across the education sector. IAU will be joining the panel and providing a global perspective.

Responsible Futures International at the IAU Conference

At the recent IAU International Conference in Tokyo, Japan, a poster exhibition and panel session highlighted the achievements of the international pilot group so far and their actions for sustainable development.

Spotlight #3 on pilot participants - IAU and SOS Responsible Futures Programme

Learn about the participants in this international pilot and their achievements so far in the journey of integrating ESD at the whole institution. Murdoch University and their "Murdoch Mettle" initiative engaging students is up next!

Spotlight #2 on pilot participants - IAU and SOS Responsible Futures Programme

Learn about the participants in this international pilot and their achievements so far in the journey of integrating ESD at the whole institution. This second spotlight looks at Queen's University, Canada

Responsible Futures International - ongoing pilot with 7 institutions around the world

Find out how your institution can join the next cohort 2024-25 of the Responsible Futures International Programme !

Spotlight #1 on pilot participants - IAU and SOS Responsible Futures Programme

Learn about the participants in this international pilot and their achievements so far in the journey of integrating ESD at the whole institution. First up: Trinity College Dublin in Ireland!

Launch Announcement : IAU-SOS Responsible Futures International Pilot

The IAU is pleased to announce its partnership with Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK), for the international adaptation of the Responsible Futures programme, that SOS-UK already has been conducting with further and higher education institutions for almost 10 years in the UK.

The challenge of sustainable mobility: the launch of the Green Erasmus survey report

A report from a study to compare over 10.000 students’ consumer behaviour, travel behaviour, and daily life habits while at home and during their mobility was just published

Opportunity for students to advocate for climate education in higher education

The workshop is part of the Youth and Education project, a collaboration of UNESCO, UNEP, Students Organizing for Sustainability (SOS) International, and USPESD. 

ESD-Net 2030 Learning Webinar on ESD Pedagogies - Recordings Available!

To promote knowledge sharing, collaboration, and mutual learning ESD-Net 2030 is organizing a series of learning webinars in March, May and September 2023 on ESD pedagogy to highlight and promote innovative practices in ESD. This interactive learning series will focus on sharing and strengthening pedagogical approaches and key competencies in ESD through a broad range of topics and issues. 

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Events for this organisation