Students Organizing for Sustainability (SOS)

Globally, less than 3% of people go to university, but 80% of leaders have a higher education degree. However, most universities are not yet ensuring that all their graduates are equipped with the knowledge and competencies needed to be leaders for a sustainable and just future. Meanwhile, as students have always been at the heart of social change, we are witnessing an increasing number of student led sustainability initiatives . Yet most of these do not reach further than their own institutions , while students who want to develop such projects on the other hand, do not always know how to get started. Hence, SOS International convenes (inter)national student led and student focused organisations, working on sustainability and social justice, to • support more and better action among education institutions and student organisations • scale programs and campaigns to have wider reach and greater impact • strengthen capacity of member organisations to empower student leadership • Amplify the voice of students worldwide to influence systemic change SOS runs multiple sustainability programs, projects and campaigns, together with the SOS members. Building on over a decade of experience, this portfolio is designed to be easily adapted in new organisations and countries. Read more about the programs here. SOS undertakes research on students and sustainability that can leverage action to transform education and direct society to a more sustainable and fair future, such as the 2020 Student Sustainability Survey. Find out more here. SOS strengthen collaboration and capacity among their members and mobilizes funding together. Find out more on their membership page here. SOS offers workshops, event facilitation and consultancy to all organizations interested in sustainability and/or working with students and youth. Have a look at their services here.