Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC)

2401 Walnut Street Suite 102
19103 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

HEASC was formed in December 2005 by leaders of several HEAs to support and enhance the capacity of higher education to fulfill its critical role in producing an educated and engaged citizenry and the knowledge needed for a thriving and civil society. These organizations recognize that fulfilling their mission in the 21st century requires a broader, systemic, collaborative approach to their own work and that of the constituents they serve. The societal challenges to create vibrant, secure communities and strong economies while preserving the life support system on which we all depend are daunting and will only increase as the world's population and our need to increase economic output grows.

AASHE empowers higher education faculty, administrators, staff and students to be effective change agents and drivers of sustainability innovation. We work with and for higher education to ensure that our world’s future leaders are motivated and equipped to solve sustainability challenges.

Actions towards sustainability for this organisation

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News for this organisation

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Documents of this Organisation

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