International Association of Universities (IAU)

UNESCO House, 1 rue Miollis
75015 Paris, France


Founded in 1950, under the auspices of UNESCO, the International Association of Universities (IAU) is the leading global association of higher education institutions and organisations from around the world. The IAU is an international NGO with official associate status with UNESCO, that recognizes the key role higher education plays in the overall process of achieving sustainable development. 

IAU works to enhance higher education community’s role and actions in advancing societies worldwide. As a global membership organization, IAU represents and serves the full spectrum of higher education institutions and their associations. The IAU Strategy 2030, adopted during the 16th IAU General Conference, in 2022, affirms IAU’s focus on four key higher education priority themes, while improving support and services to members as well as enhancing their visibility and engagement.

IAU 4 strategic priorities:

  • Globally-engaged and Value-based Leadership;
  • Internationalization for Society and the Global Common Good;
  • Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development;
  • Digital Transformation of Higher Education.

Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD)

Future well-being of humanity and the planet depends on successful resolution of the interconnected challenges of economic, social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. Since 1993, IAU advocates for the key role higher education plays in achieving sustainable development. IAU’s actions in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provide a framework for universities to develop inter-institutional collaboration in pursuit of sustainable development. The aim is to assist higher education leaders wishing to embed sustainable development concepts and principles in strategic planning, academic and organizational work. 

Learn more about IAU HESD here and explore the HESD Vision & Action page here

Download the leaflet IAU for HESD

Contact for sustainable development activities 

Isabel Toman, Programme Officer

Actions towards sustainability for this organisation

News for this organisation

HESI+10 Global Forum

Role of higher education in building back better from COVID-19 and advancing the 2030 Agenda

SOTG 2022 - Call for Participation of Youth Engagement Program

Sustainable on the Go Youth Engagement Program - deadline for applications extended to 3 June

UN Ocean Conference 2022

From 27th of June 27 to 1st of July, governments, academia and other stakeholders will get together for the UN Ocean Conference. IAU and UiB will advocate for Higher Education and SDG 14

The IAU Global Cluster on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD)

Outputs of the 2022 Meeting: The IAU HESD statement and the Strategy and Working Plan 2022-2024

Webinar: Exploring the nexus between health, equity, and gender

Organised by IAU and UOC (Open University of Catalonia) - Watch the recording now!

International Green Gown Awards 2022 - winners announced

Find out about the winning institutions and projects that made an impact for Sustainability in higher education!

IAU General Conference 2022 - UCD Dublin

Register now and join the discussion on Relevance and Value of Universities to Future Society

IAU at the HEInnovate – Embedding SDGs in HE practices

IAU was invited to speak at a webinar on how innovation can foster practices for the SDGs - article and recording available now

Join World Climate Day 8 December 2022

IAU joins World Climate Day on 8th December at 14h CET, organised by the Green office at the University of Liège (Belgium), in partnership with AUF

Accelerating Action for the SDGs - Read the Report of the 3rd IAU Global Survey on HESD now

IAU and partners launched the Report with data from 464 HEIs in a webinar on 31 January

Watch the EWORA & IAU webinar on Higher Education, Gender and Equity

A day before International Women's day 2023, IAU and EWORA have partnered for a discussion on higher education's role for SDG 5 and equity

ESD-Net 2030 Learning Webinar on ESD Pedagogies - Recordings Available!

To promote knowledge sharing, collaboration, and mutual learning ESD-Net 2030 is organizing a series of learning webinars in March, May and September 2023 on ESD pedagogy to highlight and promote innovative practices in ESD. This interactive learning series will focus on sharing and strengthening pedagogical approaches and key competencies in ESD through a broad range of topics and issues. 

Higher Education at UN Water Conference 2023

Higher Education and Research are crucial for SDG 6 and all SDGs

The #ARC9 Report on “Asia-Europe Higher Education Mapping: Working Towards the SDGs" and the recording of the launch are now available online!

The 9th edition of ARC (ARC9) explores and maps both higher education policies and higher education institution practices across Asia and Europe that contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

ESD-Net 2030 Learning Webinar on ESD Pedagogies

The third edition of the ESD-Net learning webinar which will take place on Wednesday, 31st of May 2023, 13:00-15:00 CET. This will be the occasion to take part in distinct workshops that will highlight innovative practices and key competencies in ESD through a broad range of topics and issues. You will be invited to contribute to knowledge-sharing activities, collaboration, and mutual learning to strengthen your knowledge of ESD pedagogical approaches and capacity to implement ESD in your local context.

ANGEL Conference 2023

Conceived as a major, internationally focused gathering, the ANGEL Conference 2023 aims to bring together interested parties from all backgrounds for two exciting days of sessions showcasing and discussing research, projects, and new developments connected to Global Education and Learning or Global Citizenship Education, and other related fields
such as Development Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Peace, and Intercultural Education.

HLPF Session 9: "SDG 11: Progress, challenges, lessons learned and tools for sustainable transformation of cities"

Urbanisation is undoubtedly one of the major global trends of this century. How we govern, plan, and design our cities and urban communities impacts the realisation of human rights for all and how the growing urban inequalities are addressed.

Recording available - Webinar on Community and partnership-based approaches to capacity building in the water sector

The world is not on track to achieve SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, with significant challenges remaining in almost every country on earth. Addressing the alarming state of global water and sanitation was made even more urgent during the UN Water Conference in March 2023...

IAU HESD Activity Report 2022-23 - available now

Discover the recent actions from the network in the annual Cluster activity report!

Documents of this Organisation

Events for this organisation