Chandigarh University
National Highway 95, Chandigarh-Ludhiana Highway
140413 Mohali, Punjab, India
The IAU WHED ID Is a global unique identifier. Learn more here on the IAU World Higher Education Database.

Chandigarh University, Punjab enjoys high standing among many national rating services that evaluate quality of education, research activity, affordability and athletic excellence. These rankings recognize not only CU as a whole, but also our many respected schools and departments. Chandigarh University, Punjab is proud to be recognized by the organizations and publications listed below for our excellence in education.
Sustainability at Chandigarh University
Chandigarh University support understudies in fostering the thorough logical outlook and soul of interest and business venture expected to create the arrangements expected for manageable turn of events. College analysts, instructors and understudies work in organization with residents and the private and the public area, co-making information that can create arrangements. It is the blend of these center missions that gives college an extraordinary spot in the normal work to accomplish the SDGs.
Chandigarh University have fused the SDGs into their institutional methodologies, both in administration and in instructing and exploration. So, Sustainable campus management has become important to university and is often considered part of the Institution’s Societal Responsibility (ISR). To learn more about Chandigarh University's actions for sustainability and the SDGs, follow the link here.