Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University
2 Pl. du Panthéon
75231 Paris, France
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In the heart of the Latin Quarter in Paris, France, the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne combines the glorious past of the college founded by Robert de Sorbon in the 13th century with an innovative multidisciplinary project. Since 1970, it has based its training and research mission around three major scientific areas: human sciences and the arts, law and political science, and economics and management.
Established on 25 sites in Paris and Ile-de-France, it supports more than 45,000 students per year in a citizen and humanist approach. At the heart of a network of international relations covering the five continents, the university plays a major role in the training of researchers, professors, magistrates, lawyers, executives for companies and the administration. Its motto is: Omnibus sapientia, unicuique excellentia - Knowledge for all, excellence for everyone.
With 800 years of history and 50 years of excellence, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University is today the largest human and social sciences university in France.
Panthéon-Sorbonne presents three main educational domains for its students: Economic and Management Sciences, Human Sciences, and Legal and Political Sciences; comprising several subjects such as: Economics, Law, Philosophy, Geography, Humanities, Cinema, Plastic arts, Art history, Political science, Mathematics, Management, and Social sciences.
As the first fully COP22 certified university, Paris 1 is one of Europe's leading centres for the development of contemporary thought in the fields of human and social sciences. It is therefore the ideal environment in which to found an interdisciplinary Graduate School that reflects the commitments of the Paris agreement, COP21 and UN sustainable development goals. The Graduate School aims to unite the current social dynamics relative to climate change, to identify research, and study programmes that will make it possible to anticipate the socio-environmental transformations of the future.
The "Sorbonne Sustainable Development" Graduate School aims to create a centre of excellence for research and study (international, interdisciplinary and unifying at the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne-University ). This centre of excellence will provide a coordinated, enticing, sustainable response to the University's significant potential for contributing to the field of Sustainable Development.
Read more about the university's sustainability-related initiatives, education, and projects at the university's sustainability website here.