Trinity College Dublin
College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
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Trinity College Dublin was created by royal charter in 1592. At Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin a liberal environment where independence of thought is highly valued and all are encouraged to achieve their potential is provided. Diversity, interdisciplinarity, inclusive environment which nurtures ground-breaking research, innovation, and creativity through engaging with issues of global significance is promoted.
Located in a beautiful campus in the heart of Dublin’s city centre, Trinity is Ireland’s highest ranked university. It is home to 20,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students across all the major disciplines in the arts and humanities, and in business, law, engineering, science, and health sciences.
Trinity’s tradition of independent intellectual inquiry has produced some of the world’s finest, most original minds including the writers Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett (Nobel laureate), the scientists William Rowan Hamilton and Ernest Walton (Nobel laureate), the political thinker Edmund Burke, and the former President of Ireland and UNHCR Mary Robinson. This tradition finds expression today in a campus culture of scholarship, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and dedication to societal reform.
Mission and Vision
The university is a globally connected community of learning, research, and scholarship, inspiring generations to meet the challenges of the future. The Strategic Plan of Trinity will shape the future of this university to benefit Irish society and the wider world. The plan’s title, ‘Community and Connection’, reflects the conviction that, in an increasingly interdependent world, everyone needs to work together more intensely and in new ways to address the formidable challenges facing people.
Sustainable Development
The Sustainable Environment Theme at the university, covers very broad research aspects of sustainability from the points of view of energy, water and food, reducing waste, air and water pollution, as well as conserving and recovering ecosystem health. The growing problem of the unsustainable footprint of the global human population requires innovative future solutions.
Trinity College Dublin includes also Research Institutes and Centres such as the Trinity Future Cities Research Centre, which undertakes multi-disciplinary research that enables, promotes and facilitates behavioral change for sustainability, the Centre for Biodiversity Research, which brings together researchers from across Trinity to provide a broad base of expertise in a range of biodiversity research areas, enabling research to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries to encompass biological, social, economic, legal and political aspects of biodiversity, the Trinity International Development Initiative, which forms an overarching structure to coordinating and promoting International Development Research and education at Trinity and lastly, the engineering, energy and environment institute, a new institute to co-locate engineering, computer sciences and natural sciences to transform education, build new collaborations with global industry and become an international reference point for excellence in transdisciplinary engineering.
Find out more about the Smart, Sustainable Planet Theme at Trinity.
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