University of Gloucestershire
The Park, GL50 2RH Cheltenham
United Kingdom

The University of Gloucestershire is a member of COPERNICUS Alliance.
The Sustainability Strategy 2017-2022 reflects a ‘whole-institution’ approach, with 5 core goals covering Leadership and Governance, Student Experience, Academic Innovation, Business Operations, and Engagement and Partnerships.
- 2017 Released our second Sustainability Strategy aligned to our University Strategic Plan 2017-2022
- 2016 Completed our EU funded UE4SD professional development project with 53 partner organisations
- 2015 Our Big Green Gap Year placements project was recognised by NESTA as one of 50 ‘new radicals’
- 2014 Exceeded all our 2020 waste management targets which has reduced our waste to landfill to 3%
- 2013 Special Recognition Award for consistent high level performance in the People & Planet university league 2012 Concluded our HEFCE funded initiative on Education for Sustainability in collaboration with QAA
- 2011 Our Students’ Union achieved Gold status in the NUS Green Impact programme for their sustainability practice
- 2010 Sustainability was chosen by our staff as one of the University’s defining organisational values
- 2009 Ranked 1st and ‘Outstanding’ in the Universities That Count corporate responsibility index for education and research
- 2008 Won UK Green Gown Award for institutional development in sustainability across the University
- 2007 Appointment of our first Director of Sustainability with resources to achieve our strategic goals