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Publication from the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative

"How EfD makes a difference!", it’s a magazine-style publication where you find stories from all over the world, on how research has had a concrete impact on policies and practices. Environment for Development (EfD), is not just about conducting policy-relevant research. An equally important aim is to make this research available for policymakers and other stakeholders, to be used for evidence-based policies, promoting development that is sustainable, environment-friendly, and inclusive. 

“It takes a long time before you can see the results of this type of work. It requires a lot of persistence and patience – something that we have in EfD. We’re very proud of what we have achieved in the past five years and hope these stories can serve as inspiration in the years to come,” says Gunnar Köhlin, Director of EfD. 

Click to download How EfD makes a difference!

Latest update: 25.09.2023