UN SDG: Learn

SDG Learners today, SDG Leaders tomorrow!

UN SDG: Learn is a United Nations initiative that aims to bring relevant and curated learning solutions on sustainable development topics to individuals and organizations.

Through the collaborative efforts of the United Nations, multilateral organizations, and sustainable development partners from universities, civil society, academia and the private sector, UN SDG: Learn provides a unique gateway that empowers individuals and organizations through an informed decision when selecting among a wealth of SDG-related learning products and services that are currently available.

The UN has launched a learning program that offers CoursesMicrolearningResources, a Blog and a Podcast. These are all concentrated on different themes such as the 2030 Agenda, Breaking the silos, Leave no one behind, as well as all the different SDGS

The focus can be also on preferred themes in the Specialized Community Pages, which include Statistics and Women2Lead. 

Find out more here.

See the video about SDG: Learn here.

Latest update: 18.09.2023