Remote and Rural Schools (RARS) Project, Kazakhstan

The Remote and Rural Schools (RARS) project is the product of collaboration between the Kazakh National Women's Training University (QYZPU), UNESCO, and HertsCam Network (UK). The RARS project is to be implemented in eleven Kazakh schools (six in the Almaty region, two in the Mangystau region, and three in the Atyrau region). The objective is to increase rural teachers' leadership and develop a culture of teacher leadership in schools. With the help of the HertsCam Network, this project will run for one year using the methodology of "teacher-led development work". 

On 29 and 30 January 2024, an induction workshop was held for participant teachers and attended by the organizers and partner organizations. 

More information

Read more about the project on QYZPU's page on the Centre for Development of Rural Education. 

Read more about the two-day workshop from UNESCO's announcement of the project.

Latest update: 17.09.2024