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Higher Education
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About IAU HESD initiatives
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IAU HESD Strategy
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
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HE for SDGs in action
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Latest actions
Introducing the Anti-Greenwash Education Kit: Ensuring Quality Sustainability Learning
First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing Suicide Prevention Forum at Murdoch University
Higher Seminar: Caring for a Glacier at University of Gothenburg
ZEPHATTAN Project (Wind Energy) at University of Grand-Bassam
Advancing Gender Equity in Higher Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
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Spotlight #4 on pilot participants - IAU and SOS Responsible Futures Programme
Local and indigenous knowledge in education for sustainable development - ESD-NET 2030 learning webinar
Transforming Knowledge for Africa's Future - UNESCO Chairs and Partners Forum
Upcoming IAU Webinar - Knowledge Diplomacy in a Changing World
2021 ASEF 'Liveable Cities for a Sustainable Future' Hackathon
Transforming Knowledge for Just and Sustainable Futures: UNESCO Chairs Conference Report
SwedBio - knowledge interface at Stockholm Resilience Centre
The Sustainability Literacy Test
ISC - Transformations to Sustainability knowledge brief on Promoting Indigenous knowledge and values for more sustainable water resource management
Resource - Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas)
ESD Resources Website
GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework
Engaging students in enhancing achievement of Education for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals - Kenyatta University at the Green Gown Awards
SDG Learncast
School of Biology - University of Costa Rica