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Higher Education
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for Sustainable
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About IAU HESD initiatives
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IAU HESD Strategy
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
IAU Global HESD Cluster
IAU Publications
HE for SDGs in action
Documents & Tools
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Main navigation
About IAU HESD initiatives
What is HESD?
IAU HESD Strategy
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
IAU Global HESD Cluster
IAU Publications
HE for SDGs in action
Documents & Tools
Members & Partners
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News & Events
News overview and archive
Calendar of events
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Latest actions
Introducing the Anti-Greenwash Education Kit: Ensuring Quality Sustainability Learning
First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing Suicide Prevention Forum at Murdoch University
Higher Seminar: Caring for a Glacier at University of Gothenburg
ZEPHATTAN Project (Wind Energy) at University of Grand-Bassam
Advancing Gender Equity in Higher Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
See other actions
Online event
Learning from Practice: How can we better embed sustainability in higher education?
Equality and Diversity: How to Welcome Differences without Freezing Identities?
Online Consultation: Safety as an essential element of the right to education and a precondition for its full realization
Universities calling for more innovation, transformation and collaboration for SDG 12 and Agenda 2030: A discussion with the IAU HESD Cluster (July 2021)
IAU List of Virtual events on Higher Education (SDGs & COVID-19)
Online event organized with the University of Bologna for Women's day