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Higher Education
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for Sustainable
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Latest actions
First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing Suicide Prevention Forum at Murdoch University
Higher Seminar: Caring for a Glacier at University of Gothenburg
ZEPHATTAN Project (Wind Energy) at University of Grand-Bassam
Advancing Gender Equity in Higher Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
McMaster Entrepreneurship Academy’s Innovation Matchmaking Day!
See other actions
Teaching and Learning
Education for Sustainable Development Curriculum Design Toolkit
ESD Open Education Resources
ESD-Net 2030 Learning Webinar: Natural Sites as Learning Spaces for ESD
CRAFTS Modell: Co-Designing Reflective Approaches for the Teaching of Sustainability
The Sawasdee Thailand Summer Program 2025
Fostering inner dimensions for sustainability in higher education
Industry 4.0 and Digital Entrepreneurship
B-GREEN-ED Project
HEIsCITI Project - HEIs as innovative triggers of sustainable development
UNAVEX, Virtual Exchange in Higher Education for Sustainable Futures
Mindfulness Practices for Students in Society
The Centre of Sustainability Transformation in Areas of Intensive Agriculture
Digitalization of Waste Management
10th Digital Earth Summit at University of Rwanda
2nd International Conference on Re-shaping Education for Sustainable Development
Portathon 2024 in Klaipéda, Lithuania
New issue in the ESS journal, Higher Education and Society
STUDACT - New massive open online course on global citizenship education
General course - Ambassadors of sustainability: Knowing, promoting, practicing sustainability
Sustainability Report at University of Padua
Integrative learning to improve connection with labour market
Sustainable Systems Class
Seminar on Gendering Macroeconomic Analysis
VanitAgrata - women empowerment project
Iyökë - a board game for environmental learning
UNESCO Documentary on Girls' Education
MAAUN organizes Faculty Development Workshop to enhance Student-Lecturer Relationship and Embracing Educational Technology
Gender Policy Training Program
"Together against violence": prepare society and protect everyone
Bachelor Act by ESSEC x CY Cergy Paris University
Gender Equality Plan 2021-2024 - University of Bologna
Rethinking Higher Education Dialogue Series
Perspective Education Program for Sustainability - PEPS
Online Public Lecture Series: What Do Scientists Do? - Indigenous Crops and the Alleviation of Hunger
Free & Open Online Course "Achieving the SDGs: Global goals and national interests"
2020 GRIP Mini-series Launch: "COVID-19 and global dimensions of inequalities"
Poverty Eradication Strategies (SDG1)
UCC Partners with Foreign Universities on SDGs for Graduate Studies - 2018
Council of Europe’s Vision for a Quality Education and its Activities
Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment
Human Rights and Peace Center (HURIPEC)
Institute for Sustainable Urban Development
Sustainability Education Research (SER)
Center for Sustainable Development Technology Transfer
Sustainable University Work Group
Faculty of Built Environment and Spatial Sciences
Women Research and Resource Centre (WRRC)
Department of Environmental Science
Green Science and Engineering
Center for Ecological Research Seminars
Centre for Ecology, Environment and Sustainability
Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences
Faculty of Bioscience and Agro-Food and Environmental Technology
Panjab University Department of Environment Studies
Podcast IAU-UNODC The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Higher Education
SDG 4: Flexible learning pathways in higher education – from policy to practice: an international comparative analysis (2023)
School of Environmental Science
Social Inclusion and Exclusive Policies
Innovative Education towards Sustainable Food Systems
Formation on Bioclimatic Architecture
Lasallista Solidarity Fund SOL
University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development (UCBS)
SOS Responsible Futures
Women's Development Centre (WDC)
Think Tank Transition UGent
Creation of Innovative Educational System for Sustainable Society and Urban Growth
MOOC: Environment and Sustainable Development
MOOC: Biodiversity
MOOC: Causes and Challenges of Climate Change
MOOC: Renewable Energy (in French)
Survey by Friends of the Earth on Post COP 21 Climate Actions in UK Higher Education
TROPIMUNDO - Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems.
ESDU - ESD in Catalan Universities
Center for Natural Resources and Development
The International Greening Education Event (IGEE)
Uppsala Transdisciplinary Seminar in Sustainable Development
The SARUA Curriculum Innovation Network (SCIN) – Climate Change Education
The Centre of Excellence in Science for Sustainability in Africa (CESSAF)
Education for Sustainable Development in Africa - ESDA initiative
Maastricht University Graduate School of Sustainability Science (MUST)
The Ecological Faculty
Center for Engineering and Environmental Studies (CEES)
List of free online courses on sustainable development
2nd Edition - International Virtual Classroom LISTO IVC 2020
UVED shares pedagogical resources and digital training pathways in open-access
SDG Research and Teaching
One Ocean Expedition
Course on Green Industrial Policy: Promoting Competitiveness and Structural Transformation
Environment and Innovation Semester by Technion
Online event organized with the University of Bologna for Women's day
UIL and UNESCO video tutorial on Gender Equality in Education and Learning Cities
Lund University Research Programmes and PhD positions on Agenda 2030
Creation of the Tuākana Programme : The University of Auckland's initiative to connect Māori and Pacific students.
Pathways to University for students from refugee backgrounds
Creation of the HUC - Hemispheric University Consortium
Udemy Online course : SDG 4.7 Across Curriculum & Education Spaces
The STOREM Project
The University of Bergen launches of a new series of SDG policy briefs
The University of Rome (Sapienza)'s Scientific-Technical Committee for Sustainability
College of Sustainability
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EMA) Programs
Sustainable Tourism Development
Labelling Sustainable Development Courses and Programs
Law Graduate Program in Sustainable Development
Initiative for Sustainable Development (HUISD)
Environmental Educator Initiative (EEI)
Guidelines for Sustainability Education
Joint International Master in Sustainable Development
Strategic Approaches to Lead Curriculum Change for Sustainability and Quality Enhancement
Research and teaching at the University of Freiburg
Sustainability days at the University of Freiburg
HLPF Side Event: Partnering to Educate the Ocean Science Leaders of the Future
Webinar series on SDG 8 targets – the role of research in reaching sustainable economic growth, full employment and decent work conditions
Launch of a program to get a Certificate in Sustainability at Luther College (University of Regina)
UNEP MOOC Certificate Course on Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience
ACU and the University of Manchester Online Course on SDGs
UNESCO Chair In Water Technology Online Summer School
CoDesignS ESD Framework
UVED MOOC L'Océan au cœur de l'Humanité
UN University Postgraduate Degree Specialisation on the Paris Agreement
Unesco MOOC Artificial Intelligence and The Rule of Law
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - Strengthening stakeholder engagement for the implementation and review of the 2030 Agenda
New publication on Teaching the Ecological Transiton to University Students
MOOC Climate and Global Warming
Psychological First Aid Course
Life Initiative
Design Thinking for Sustainability
Greenland 2022: Regional Innovation Lab in Nuuk
Global Summer School at Zhejiang University
Focus n°48 Femmes et Développement durable
Master of Arts / Master of Science (Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Studies)
Annual Conference & Annual Research Symposium
A Global ZJU for Social Good (Z4G): Zhejiang University's Sustainability Action Plan
MUBS Careers and Skills Development - Gender mainstreaming and prevention of sexual harassment
Open workshop - The SDGs: Making an imperfect framework work for higher education
New SDGs-in-the-Classroom Toolkit launches
Contributions of UNED Costa Rica to the SDGs
SDG Mapping Tool
EUSTEPs project
TRACCskills project/Inner Development Goals (IDGs)
UNODC Teaching Module Series - SDG 16 and more
Sustainable Development at UdeS
Politics4Future Research Project by the UNITWIN Network UNiESD&ST
Murdoch University sets Sustainable Development Strategy: "Building a Brighter Future, Together".
UN-Water SDG 6 Data Portal
Unesco UIS Statistics on SDGs
The University of Bologna Gender Equality Report and Equality Plan 2021-2024
Equality Plan-CY Cergy University
Algoland - Algal Solutions for Air, Water, Industry and Society
Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARE)
Open2Sustain project
Access to Open Educational Resources for Gender Equality
The En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator
Breast Research Australia (BRA) - Project on Women's health in sports by the University of Wollongong
future.learning! The Adaptive Learning Portal for Education for Sustainable Development
Season 2 of UNESCO-UNFCCC Webinar Series: Climate Change Education for Social Transformation
ESD Resources Website
Global Education Cooperation Mechanism - Unesco
SDGs Info Center - AfricaConnect3
Sustainable Development Goals toolkit for members - Universities Canada
Integrating the United Nations sustainable development goals into higher education globally: a scoping review
SubNetwork on Climate and Environmental Change - UNIMED
The contribution of higher education institutions to lifelong learning - Webinar Recording and Publication
SDG Mapping project - Utrecht University
Transforming Education for Sustainable Development : Engaging Youth in Universities and Beyond - Webinar
Global Education and Learning - GEL Database
Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID)
Whole School Approaches to Sustainability: Exemplary Practices from around the world - Report
GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework
German ESD competence centers
Videos for ESD/Teaching from INN
UVED map of HEIs and ecological transition
Publication from the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative
Research and Innovation at the University of Coimbra
Structuring Projects by the University of Coimbra
SD Initiatives by the University of Coimbra
Call for Papers "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development" - Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education
SDG Learncast
United Nations SDG 15 – Life on Land
UN SDG: Learn
Publication Key Competencies: Practical Approaches to Teaching Sustainability
SDG Accord Report 2023: Progress towards the Global Goals in the University and College sector
Cap-Net Online Courses
The Network of Protected Areas (RAP)
Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology (CIMAR)
Center for Research in Biodiversity and Tropical Ecology (CIBET)
School of Biology - University of Costa Rica
Article on Futures and hope of global citizenship education
Re-thinking higher education and inspiring transformation for a more sustainable future
Interactive Session: How to find information on higher education and SDG actions using the IAU HESD Portal