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Higher Education
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for Sustainable
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About IAU HESD initiatives
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First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing Suicide Prevention Forum at Murdoch University
Higher Seminar: Caring for a Glacier at University of Gothenburg
ZEPHATTAN Project (Wind Energy) at University of Grand-Bassam
Advancing Gender Equity in Higher Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
McMaster Entrepreneurship Academy’s Innovation Matchmaking Day!
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Climate change
Climate Change Attribution and Vulnerability in Kenya
Sustainable Systems Class
The OptFor-EU project - Mikolas Romeris University
International Conference on Economic, Social, and Cultural Transformation for Sustainable Development at Qatar University
WHO Toolkit for Health Professionals: Communicating on Climate Change and Health
Publication Young People and Climate Action
2019 UNESCO Publication on the Ethical Challenges of Climate Change
Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PACE-SD)
Maynooth Green Campus
Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Humboldt University Berlin
Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
MOOC: Causes and Challenges of Climate Change
Survey by Friends of the Earth on Post COP 21 Climate Actions in UK Higher Education
2012-2015 Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme
2013-2016 Climate Change Adaptation Programme in Peru (PACC)
The SARUA Curriculum Innovation Network (SCIN) – Climate Change Education
Global Sustainability Institute (GSI)
Cold Regions and Water Science Centre
Youth Programmes
Research on ESD for Climate Change Adaption in the Pacific Islands
Research on the impact of climate change on mental health and emotional wellbeing
UN Innovation Network - Climate Change Innovation
The State of the Caribbean Climate Report
UNESCO and UNFCCC Webinar Series: Climate Change Education and Social Transformation
Master of Arts / Master of Science (Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Studies)
Education international Manifesto
UC and its Path in Fighting Climate Change
The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change
WUN Report: Tertiary Education in a Warming World
1.5 Degrees - An International university rankings based on sustainability
Algoland - Algal Solutions for Air, Water, Industry and Society
Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARE)
Global Environment Solution Challenge and 2023 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability (ISCES)
"Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and progress on their implementation towards 2030" in Mexico City.
MOOC "Climate Change Education: From Knowledge to Action"
Week of events for climate action - NYU Abu Dhabi
UN Research Paper: "Gendered Impacts of Climate Change: Empirical Evidence from Asia" - Intersection of Gender and Climate
Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action: Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change
Cap-Net Online Courses
UNESCO launches new publications for “Greening Education Partnership”
Greening Education Hub at COP 28 and related activities