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Gender Equality
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Latest actions
Introducing the Anti-Greenwash Education Kit: Ensuring Quality Sustainability Learning
First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing Suicide Prevention Forum at Murdoch University
Higher Seminar: Caring for a Glacier at University of Gothenburg
ZEPHATTAN Project (Wind Energy) at University of Grand-Bassam
Advancing Gender Equity in Higher Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
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Gender equality
GSF Launches Gender Mainstreaming Strategy for a More Equitable Student Movement
Article on Intersectionality and Women Academics in Indian Higher Education
The Social Innovation Lab at UM6P
Gender equality plan
Return Gender Equality Workshop: Gender and Culture
University Network on Gender, Equity and Sexual Diversity
IV Research and Gender Perspective Essay Competition
Women’s Rights Unit at the Centre for Human Rights
UNESCO Documentary on Girls' Education
Women in Ibero-American Universities: The pursuit of necessary work-family balance (2019)
Gender Policy Training Program
"Together against violence": prepare society and protect everyone
Women Leaders from Higher Education Institutions in the Americas (EMULIES)
Gender Equality Plan 2021-2024 - University of Bologna
UNESCO Report: Empowering women for the good of society
Shea Research in Ivory Coast for Sustainable Development
University of Guadalajara Makes Firm Advances in the Gender and Substantive Equality Agenda
Activism Against Gender Based Violence at Women's University in Africa
Bridging the Gender Equality Gap in Science at the Women’s University in Africa 2020-2023
Unitwin Network on Gender Equality Publication: Present and Future of Gender Equality Policies in Higher Education
The Study and Evaluation of a High School Girls' Climate Change Education Program in Iran
Centre for Gender Equity and Equality (CGEE)
Women Research and Resource Centre (WRRC)
Women's Development Centre (WDC)
UOC Roadmap to reduce gender inequality
UIL and UNESCO video tutorial on Gender Equality in Education and Learning Cities
Report released: Gender equality, how global universities are performing (part 1)
Martha Farrell Award - Excellence in Women's Empowerment
Home Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women – East Africa
U-Multirank Gender Monitor 2021 | An analysis of the female to male ratio within the higher education ladder
MUBS Careers and Skills Development - Gender mainstreaming and prevention of sexual harassment
The University of Bologna Gender Equality Report and Equality Plan 2021-2024
IAU/EWORA Webinar Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research – Strategies for Empowerment
IAU-EWORA Webinar: Tackling the Leaky Pipeline in Academic Leadership
UNESCO in action for gender equality: 2022-2023 Report
IAU/EWORA Webinar Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research – Strategies for Empowerment
International Day of Women and Girls in Science - event at Leuphana University
IAU-EWORA Webinar: Tackling the Leaky Pipeline in Academic Leadership
American Association of University Women (AAUW)