2020 Article IAU&UAN: Thinking globally and acting locally: Implementing the SDGs in higher education institutions and their associations. A collaborative experience

Original title: Pensando global y actuando local: Implementación de los ODS en las instituciones de educación superior y sus asociaciones. Una experiencia de colaboración. Year of publication: 2020. 

The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable development is a commitment and a challenge for universities. universities, next to being called to ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education, and to promote lifelong learning, have the opportunity and responsibility as educators and generators of knowledge to transform society and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable development goals (SDGs), highlighting their role of transforming agents of society. Associations and networks become unique meeting places to promote dialogue and exchange experiences on education, research, and action for SDGs. The international Association of universities (IAU) fosters the Whole institution Approach (WIA) in the field of Higher Education and research for Sustainable development (HESD) and leads the IAU global HESD Cluster. This article presents the work of the IAU for HESD and the progress in implementing an integral model for the Agenda 2030 by the Antonio Nariño university (UAN) in Colombia. its purpose is to show the collaborative model of the Cluster and the case of UAN as examples that can inspire new partnerships for a more sustainable future. Authors: Sandra Guarín Tarquino; Guillermo Parra; Isabel Toman Publication Date Dec 16, 2020, in the journal : “Educación Superior y Sociedad (ESS)” by UNESCO IESALC (Translation: Higher Education and Society) Keywords: university; Agenda 2030; Sustainable development goals (SDGs); Whole institution Approach; university Associations. 

More Information

The full journal, issue 43, can be accessed here (Spanish only).The IAU and UAN contribution can be found on p.353ff.

Latest update: 27.11.2023