SDGs associated
Action Category

MOOC: Environment and Sustainable Development

Since the first Earth Summit (1972) and the famous Brundtland report (1987), the notions of environment and sustainable development refer to socially acute questions. Climate change, energy transition, biodiversity preservation, inequalities and poverty reduction constitute real social issues. We can not stay indifferent anymore.

The objectives of the "Environment and sustainable development" MOOC, made and coordinated by UVED, are triple:

  • to examine our representations of environment and sustainable development, if we want to imagine a society of living together (it is not an utopia but a challenge to rise !), we have to propose a gathering project and not a splitting one,
  • to initiate a better understanding of our collective actions, of our engagements ; to be an eco-citizen implies rights and duties,
  • to change our behaviors via the education for sustainable development, to adopt an eco-responsible attitude.

More Information

Find the MOOC videos in English here.

Latest update: 16.11.2023