Special issue of the International Review of Education

In August 2024, a special issue of the International Review of Education - Journal of Lifelong Learning was published, titled "The Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Governance of Education". Guest editors for the issue are Senior Lecturer William C. Smith of the University of Edinburgh, Professor Sotiria Grek of the University of Edinburgh, and Professor Melanie C.M. Ehre of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

In their introduction, the guest editors write about the role played by the World Bank, UNESCO, and the OECD in shaping the global discourse on education, but the shifting acknowledgment that intergovernmental organisations, civil society, and the private sector are receiving from research. They then write about the departure from a hard governance approach of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to a soft governance approach with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as how the SDGs were both a product of global governance as well as a mechanism of it. The introduction outlines that the issue is primarily interested in SDG4, Quality Education. 

More information

Access the full issue here - Volume 70, Issue 4 | International Review of Education (springer.com)

Latest update: 17.09.2024