United Youth for Peace
The project aspired to involve a diverse group of young Kenyans in the process of national reconciliation through voluntary service in terms of workshops that foster sustainable community development. As a result, the participants of the United Youth for Peace contributed to peace building by gathering ethically diverse members of the struggling Langas community of Eldoret for the common cause of personal development, such as practical adult workshops on health awareness, sustainable development and national reconciliation, entrepreneurial guidance to an organized group of women, and daily Mathematics, English and Social Science classes to children who have no access to education.
The project had five components as follows:
- Peace and reconciliation
- Environmental awareness
- Health and sanitation
- Women and Youth empowerment
Main Activities
Meeting the students and take them to the public schools we already talked to and agreed on the same
Assisting the students who do not have school uniforms and the small levies required in the schools by purchasing the uniform and paying the levies directly to the schools to as many students as will be within our ability
Establishing a link with the head teachers through which volunteers will be able to monitor the progress of the pupils, getting information on their needs and responding appropriately
Assessing the situation in the homes of the very needy students and where necessary purchase blankets and mosquito nets for them (this was done before but it only benefited a few pupils due to shortage of funds)
Visiting the women group to see how far they have gone with their poultry project that we facilitated them to initiate and assist in whatever way possible to ensure their project runs successfully