IAU List of Virtual events on Higher Education (SDGs & COVID-19)
Higher education has been strongly affected by COVID-19, which translated in particular in the sudden closure of campuses and a shift to emergency online teaching. Students and staff were faced with technical and pedagogical challenges to continue teaching, learning and research. The question of how to recover and (re)build after COVID-19 is discussed intensively, not only at universities. It is through enhanced cooperation that we will be able to design best possible solutions to address challenges faced and maximise opportunities.
In the face of the health, socio-cultural, ecological and economic crises, many actors continue to be mobilized to address the SDGs. Agenda 2030 and sustainable recovery should be a priority in a postpandemic globalized world. The International Association of Universities (IAU) initiated a survey in March 2020 to find out how different higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide adapted to the rapidly evolving circumstances. The IAU COVID-19 survey report released in May 2020 shows that different institutions in all world regions have been impacted however to varying degrees. Two follow up Surveys will be undertaken in October 2020 and in 2021 to analyse the medium and longer impacts of the pandemic.
Furthermore, the IAU collected higher education and country responses and activities online on a dedicated IAU COVID-19 resources page.
Many IAU Members and the IAU Global HESD Cluster stepped up their efforts to continue teaching and research, also in their work relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All the goals are interlinked, and the current crisis shows how important they are for the functioning of our global and local systems, as well as for our health and that of the planet. We must learn from this crisis and act to build the future we want, for people, the planet, and prosperity.
While most staff and students were confined at home, universities and organisations around the world kept up their work, multiplied meetings, projects, and events online. Many discussions are available as recordings, and can be viewed online.
IAU is pleased to have collected recordings to offer you an overview of different virtual events related to the themes described above that are openly accessible online (sorted by date of original transmission). Take a look at IAU List of Virtual Events on HESD & COVID-19