Climate Students Movement

The Climate Students Movement was officially founded in August 2020 by students from the forerunner Climate Students Sweden , as well as by students starting up Climate Students groups in Kenya, Singapore, and the UK. All those involved share an optimism to turn climate anxiety into action. Currently, they are working to mobilise, organise and strengthen student groups, networks and organisations in their work to push higher education institutions to become brave climate leaders in our societies. Their role is to ensure that they act on the best available climate science, and that they adapt to it in order to follow the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Agreement. Their goal is to push higher education institutions on a global scale to immediately stop their greenhouse gas emissions (where possible), and to support negative emission projects without relying on non-existing negative emission technologies, as well as to take climate equity into account. The methods of the Climate Student Movement are to: -Strengthen the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment of member organisations, as well as other resources needed to push higher education institutions. -Mobilise and support students to start up new Climate Students groups locally, as well as Climate Students organisations nationally. -Coordinate and facilitate international campaigns for the development of student climate action papers. -Organise international network meetings and conferences for member organisations and student groups, initiatives and organisations.