Network of Panamanian Universities for Sustainable Development (RUPADES)
The purpose of the network is to promote environmental management in universities in order to face Panama’s Sustainable Development challenges. RUPADES aims to stimulate the exchange of information; promote compliance of the so called social responsibility; recommend changes of the universities curriculum regarding SD; and so on. With this new undertaking, the universities involved in RUPADES commit to the principles of sustainability and networking as a way to add value to the management of higher education institutions in Panama. In addition, it is expected that the initiative will foster the Iberoamerican Network of Universities for Sustainability and the Environment (ARIUSA) and the The Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability (GUPES).
RUDAPES and the Council of Rectors of Panamanian Universities have the support of these institutions to launch its initial working program and to project their achievements in the whole Latin American region.
For more information
- (Note: network launch in 2015 - might be inactive)
Useful links
- (Note: might be inactive)