International telematic University UNINETTUNO
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39
00186 Roma, Italy

The democratization of the access to higher education through new technologies, open the doors to the dialogue between countries, cultures and religions to create global citizens through an intercultural approach to education
“Universities have to find a new role and a new function in the society of a globalized and interconnected world, in particular in a Europe that is facing one of the largest immigration in human history” (Prof. Maria Amata Garito - Rector of International Telematic University UNINETTUNO)
Projects for HESD goals
2016: Inauguration of the first academic year of the Master in “International Health Management” for somali students by distance.
2016: “Accademia della Civiltà” in partnership with Pontificia Università Antonianum, ICDE (International Council for Open and Distance Education) and EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) for the development of researches, common study programs, technologies for e-learning and students exchange with universities in developing countries.
2015: UNINETTUNO launched the project “University for Refugees – Education without Boundaries” for the enrollment of refugees and asylum seekers to the online BA courses of the Università telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO. More information below.
2014: “EducaItalia, l’Italia che Educa”, to teach the Italian language to migrants, refugees and asylum seeking in Italy for obtaining the CILS Certificate, which allows them to receive the residence permit.
2010: “Enterprise Development through Information and Communication Technology for Iraq” (EDICT), creating distance education courses on issues related to Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion - EDIP that helping reduce poverty in Iraq and creating employment opportunities for Iraqi young entrepreneurs in three Governorates (Baghdad, Erbil and Thi Qar).
2006: UNINETTUNO launches the course by satellite TV channel “Learn Arabic. The Treasure of the Letters”, that gave a significant contribution in the fight against illiteracy in Morocco, especially for women and inhabitants of remote areas
2005: launch of a UNINETTUNO e-learning portal in five languages (Italian, French, English, Arabic, Greek) and several agreements with arab universities.
2002: Med Net’U Project (Mediterranean Network of Universities), the creation of the Euro-Mediterranean Distance University with a network of 31 universities of 11 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Area.
Check the Video on the achievements for HESD goals in occasion of the Ten years anniversary of UNINETTUNO