National University of Public Service

Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem

Ludovika tér 2,
1083 Budapest, Hungary

National University of Public Service


The university's primary goal is to educate future public administration officials, military and law enforcement officers (through BA and MA programmes) and to develop the skills and know-how of current members of public service (through further training programmes). Moreover, UPS also functions as a think tank for public service (through PhD programmes, joint conferences, and individual research activities of lecturers).


1. Ensure students' futures

The University mentors and orientes new generations of creative, educated, communitybuilding, ambitious young people who want to learn, respect national values, solidary and cooperative, who are also responsible for the future, in order to build Hungary and Europe with their best knowledge.

2. Ensure staff members' futures: 

The university provides a motivating enviroment in which its employees serve the goals of the univeristy with continuous development of their knowledge, a predictable vision and ambitions.

3. Produce civil servents 

The university provides support, encouragement and knowledge to the faculty of officials and officers who undertake the service of the Hungarian nation above all, as the vocation of the homeland.

4. Ensure the future of Hungarians and Hungary 

The university builds on the protection of the Hungarian national identity and cultural heritage, the country’s population retention power, and the national competitiveness.


The university's vision revolves around the following tenants:

  1. serve of the Hungarian national community and statehood through its activities based on the freedom of scientific research, teaching and learning, as well as to the European and global community of nations, to the promotion of peace, freedom and security, sustainable development and cooperation of nations
  2. serve as a recognized higher education institution in public science and public service in the Central European region, and an active and recognized participant in the international scientific life in alliance with the world’s leading universities
  3. follow the legacy of its predecessors and the conscience of its citizens, it supports the operation of the Hungarian state organization, the implementation of good governance and the strengthening of Hungary’s economic competitiveness with the tools of education and scientific research. 
  4. provide high-quality training for professionals of public administration, law enforcement, national military defense, water science and national security services.

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