Nazarbayev University
Qabanbay Batyr Ave 53
010000, Astana, Kazakhstan
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Welcome to a new way of thinking.
Nazarbayev University is a modern, English-speaking research university located in Nur-Sultan (former Astana), the Republic of Kazakhstan’s capital and the heart of Eurasia. Admission and progression are entirely merit-based and integrate professor-led teaching and research starting on day one as a freshman.
We’re more than a novelty. NU is providing a higher education that prepares graduates for success in an age of globalization and technological disruption. Our graduates receive world-class degrees in earth sciences, digital sciences, public administration, educational leadership, engineering, medicine, and more.
Nazarbayev University, established on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010, is the country’s flagship academic institution with aspirations to become a global-level research university. This is the first university in Kazakhstan which is guided by the principles of autonomy and academic freedom. The University’s autonomous status was granted by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 19 January, 2011 “On the status of “Nazarbayev University”, “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” and “Nazarbayev Fund””.