The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 50005, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden

The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics is an international research institute for global sustainability under the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Aims and vision
Humanity is embedded in the Biosphere and shape it from local to global scales, from the past to the future. At the same time humanity is fundamentally dependent on the capacity of the Biosphere to sustain development.
With this overall perspective, the Beijer Institute strives to create research frontiers at the interface of ecology, economics and related disciplines, in order to promote a deeper understanding of the interplay between ecological systems and social and economic development in relation to sustainability.
The institute’s major activities are international research programmes, synthesis workshops, a broad set of research projects, teaching and training programmes, dissemination of results, the science-policy interface and collaborative communication.
Our vision is to create a deeper understanding of major challenges confronting the wellbeing and future of humanity as part of the biosphere, and how to tackle these challenges.