Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI)

Rue Gachard 88, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative exists to catalyse the development of globally responsible leadership and practice in organisations and societies worldwide. It is the leading incubator for innovation and new practice in business schools and for collaboration with business in the space of ethics, responsibility, and sustainability.

The GRLI engages in thought leadership, advocacy and projects to achieve measurable impact.  Over the past years the GRLI has developed the concept of global responsibility as a higher order of responsibility beyond CSR and catalysed the creation of two new academic journals (Journal of Global Responsibility and The Sustainability, Accounting, Management and Policy Journal). It’s current work includes a framework to measure global responsibility (The GRID) which has been successfully tested in a number of organisations. Current projects and activities include faculty development, the establishment of a worldwide network of local Councils for Leadership, Business Summits, Academic Conferences, research into the Corporation of the 21st Century, a young ambassadors programme, blueprinting the business school of the 21st century and a book series.

Actions towards sustainability for this organisation

No actions are yet available for this organisation.

News for this organisation

Exploring Perception of Faculty Engagement in Sustainability: Discover the results of the Global Survey

The report presenting results of the global survey on Exploring Perception of Faculty Engagement in Sustainability: An International Survey Identifying Levers of Action and Best Practices is available!

IAU Engagement at COP21 (2015)

The collective voice of the world’s universities and colleges was heard at COP21 when a global alliance of tertiary and higher education sustainability networks, including the IAU, representing more than 3000 universities and colleges worldwide, jointly issued an Open Letter urging Ministers and Governments to acknowledge and strengthen the research and education role that universities and colleges play in addressing climate change. IAU also represented its members by taking part in a COP21 panel debate on “Climate change as part of the curriculum from kindergarten to university”.

Documents of this Organisation

Events for this organisation