Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies
New Loresho Estate
29053 Nairobi, Kenya

The Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies is located at Upper Kabete Campus, the University of Nairobi as a centre of excellence in environmental governance and management, and their linkages with cultures of peace. The Institute conducts holistic multi-disciplinary training, experiential learning, research, outreach and extension services in environmental governance and management and peace.
Wangari Maathai Institute (WMI) is committed to offering quality service to all customers. This is line with the University-wide service charter which guarantees quality service hinged on the observance of the rule of law, skilled human resource, hard work, transparency, accountability, fairness and timely service delivery in all units. WMI’saspiration to achieve quality service is guided by our vision which is Excellence in experiential learning, transformational community outreach and research for sustainable environment and cultures of peace.
This vision is in tandem with the overall University vision. Consequently, our mission is to cultivate positive ethics, values and practices towards the environment by training stewards who foster peace, holistic sustainable development and link theory with practice. WMI’s service charter is, therefore, a dedication to the delivery of high-quality service to students, staff, suppliers, collaborators and other stakeholders with whom the institutes interact in the course of its core business. We trust that your feedback will go along way in helping us to keep the continual improvement of our service on track.