Keio University
Minato-ku, 2 Chome-15-45 Mita, Tokyo
108-8345 Japan

Established in 1858 by Yukichi Fukuzawa as a small school of Western learning, Keio has a history as Japan’s very first private institution of higher learning. Over 160 years since its founding, Keio has thrived under its founder’s motto of jitsugaku, or empirical science, as it continues to transform Japan as a modern nation through contributions to education, research, and medicine.
Jitsugaku ( 実学 )
Jitsugaku is a way of learning about the world pursued by Keio University’s founder Yukichi Fukuzawa through the application of reason, observation, and verification, and it stemmed from his desire to break free of the Confucian ideals that informed scholarship in 19th-century Japan. Jitsugaku is science in the truest sense of the word and a powerful tool in Keio University’s never-ending search for practical solutions to real-life problems.