University of Guanajuato

Universidad de Guanajuato

Calle Pedro Lascurain de Retana 5, Zona Centro
Guanajuato, Mexico


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University of Guanajuato

The University of Guanajuato's constitutional law, in the Articles 3 & 4, expresses the Institute's nature and mission marking it as an autonomous public organism so it has the faculty and responsibility to govern itself. The purposes are to educate, research and spread the culture; determine the plans & programs as well as to set the admission terms, promotion and personnel permanency and manage their assets.

In the University, in a free idea exchange environment, the truth search and integral formation of people will be sought to construct a free, fair, democratic, equitable, with human and social conscience society. Therein shall govern the principles of academic freedom, free research and social commitment and the critic, plural and participative spirit shall prevail.

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