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Canadian Homelessness Film Night

What does homelessness look like from the perspective of those who have lived it? The McMaster Community Poverty Initiative organized a Canadian Homelessness Film Night at the McMaster University to try to answer that question. Indeed, on March 14, 2019 short films on the subject were broadcasted. Filmmakers were either front-line workers or people who have experienced homelessness first-hand. This allowed students at the McMaster University to have a better and clearer understanding of the reality of homelessness and precarious life. 

The filmmakers were able to recreate this reality on the screen, so that the students would then have more awareness when acting for poverty reduction. On top of that, a Panel Discussion followed the broadcasting, allowing the students to discuss with the filmmakers, about their works but also life experiences. 

More information here.

Latest update: 02.11.2023