SDGs associated
Universities associated
Action Category

Recycling Initiative

Among the most common waste produced by the university are plastic bottles, paper and cardboard. In 15 days, 600 kilograms of paper and cardboard can be generated, so that starting recycling is a priority for the institution, as well as the need to create environmental awareness among students, teachers and officials. In order to carry out this campaign, the university bought bins made from recycled Tetra Pack materials (composite cartons made of cardboard, aluminium and plastic) and wrappers of biscuits, alfajores, potato chips and cereal bars. Both materials are very difficult to recycle because of their composition, but they can be transformed into a kind of waterproof wood that does not degrade and can be used in the manufacture of different objects, as is the case of the paper mills that will be present in all the university's facilities. In addition, an interdisciplinary group of professionals, communication graduates and graphic and industrial designers came together to launch an outreach campaign. The aim is to motivate and promote the use of the new paper mills, and to educate about recycling in Uruguay through curious data and different interventions at different points of the university. The university was guided by the UNIT's technical standard for colour selection of the campaign: Blue color, to identify the paper and cardboard recycling bins. Yellow colour, for the recycling of plastic bottles.

More Information

Recycling Initiative (In Spanish)

Latest update: 17.11.2023