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University of Guadalajara Makes Firm Advances in the Gender and Substantive Equality Agenda

The University of Guadalajara has made progress in its gender agenda, both in university regulations and in the training and consolidation of processes to address complaints of harassment or gender-based violence. 

In 2023, UdeG's Unit For Equality(or UPI) consolidated the First Contacts Network, made up of 118 people specialized in gender issues in all the departments and campuses of the University Network, who are trained to serve the students, teachers and workers of this Casa de Estudio to offer them guidance on issues of violence or formalize a complaint on this issue. 

In addition to the systematization of administrative processes, the UdeG has worked on training and training spaces for the entire community, not only with the edition of the Guide to exercising egalitarian, respectful and non-discriminatory teaching, which was released a few weeks ago, but also with prepared virtual courses that will be available for February 2024 related to the prevention of disappearances and identification of different types of violence, specifically gender based violence. 

More Information

To read more about how the University of Guadalajara is working to advance gender equality, follow the link here(In Spanish).

Latest update: 16.01.2024