Kwsaypacha, Society and Environment Journal - PUCP
The Kawsaypacha Journal: Society and Environment is the refereed research journal of the Institute of Nature, Earth and Energy of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (INTE-PUCP).
Kawsaypacha is a Quechua voice that means "Living Earth". Through this magazine, INTE-PUCP seeks to contribute to the academic debate that analyzes the relationship between society and the environment from different perspectives, and to promote interdisciplinary reflection that provides new approaches and tools to understand the growing complexity of our relationship with nature and socio-environmental sustainability.
Through this medium, original academic articles are disseminated, in Spanish, English or Portuguese, which account for research and technological innovations related to environmental issues, which are submitted to academic arbitration. It also publishes essays, literature reviews, bibliographic reviews, and information on topics related to social and environmental issues.
The journal is published biannually.
Find the Kawsaypacha Journal: Society and Environment here.