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Higher Education
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Latest actions
Ocean Decade manual for non-governmental organisations
SUSTrainable Project
UFU Conference on Distributed Energy Resources
UFU Research in the Araguari River Basin
Global Crossings Project
See other actions
UFU Research in the Araguari River Basin
Global Crossings Project
Senatra Project
Transformation and structural change in the rural areas of north-west Germany: Real-world laboratories in marsh, moor, geest and sea
Comprehensive Assessments of Country Circular Economy
BIOTRACES Project - Biodiversity and Transformative Change
ENVICI Project
MentUWell - Preserving youth mental wellbeing in wartime migration crisis
SELINA Project
CETYS Institute for Sustainablity Studies
Article on Intersectionality and Women Academics in Indian Higher Education
Global Education Monitoring Report 2024/5
SDG3 brief on student mental health, UNESCO IESALC
Including Higher Education in National Development Plans, UNESCO IESALC
Governing Nature-Based Climate Solutions: Prospects for a Just Green Transition in Kenya
The Centre of Sustainability Transformation in Areas of Intensive Agriculture
SEAS Project
Special issue of the International Review of Education
EngageSDG Project
Constructor University researchers show impact of COVID-19 and climate change on drinking water quality in Berlin
New UC Research for Development Network
The Healthy Environments and Lives Global Research Centre
The Social Innovation Lab at UM6P
New issue in the ESS journal, Higher Education and Society
Wageningen Biodiversity Initiative
New Springer Prospects issue out now: renewing the social contract for education
GEODES Project, Training and Exchange with UNILÚRIO AND UNIPÚNGUÈ
FLCS archaeologists present research at the ASAPA Conference 2024
Sustainability Report at University of Padua
UNEP - ISC report on Navigating New Horizons – A Global Foresight Report on Planetary Health and Human Wellbeing
ADBU Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches towards Clean Environment
Paper: LERU- How to enhance education for sustainable development (2024)
Publication: Global Goals, Global Education (2024)
EU-Project sets out to assist Higher Education Institutions in implementing the SDGs
São Paulo State University Collaborates with Nelson Mandela University on Gender-Based Violence Research
Gender digital gap in Secondary School mathematics teachers before and during the covid-19 pandemic in Uruguay
Survey on Using Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Teaching and Learning
Social Media and Gender-Based Violence in Peru
BRIDGES conference - Bridging needs in teacher education and schools through interdisciplinary work
Research Platform Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI)
IV Research and Gender Perspective Essay Competition
The CIRCLE programme
Youth and strategies for resilience to violence and criminality in West Africa
Centre for Feminist Research - York University
The Higher Education Learning Community for Inclusion project
The OptFor-EU project - Mikolas Romeris University
UCR Laboratory for Climate System Observation (LOSiC)
Collaborative University Research Projects on the Implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
International Conference on Economic, Social, and Cultural Transformation for Sustainable Development at Qatar University
York announces new initiative to advance global research
Research Portal - University of Costa Rica
Center for Research Lankester Garden
The DECODE Project
Sophia University Launch of UNESCO Chair on Education for Human Dignity, Peace and Sustainability
McMaster University research on Antimicrobial Discovery
United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH)
Poverty and Employment Precarity in Southern Ontario (PEPSO)
IDEAS 2024 “The International Conference on Desalination, Environment And Sustainability”
UNESCO Report: Empowering women for the good of society
UAN Territorial School of Water
Environmental Humanities Research Group
Research Program for Sustainability (PISUS)
Grants for Climate Innovation: Climate Impacts Awards
Bridging the Gender Equality Gap in Science at the Women’s University in Africa 2020-2023
International ESD/SDGs Center
ANGEL network Global Citizenship and ESD Publication: Pedagogy of Hope for Global Social Justice
Unitwin Network on Gender Equality Publication: Present and Future of Gender Equality Policies in Higher Education
2019 Publication: Implementing the 2030 Agenda at Higher Education Institutions: Challenges and Responses
2019 UNESCO Publication on the Ethical Challenges of Climate Change
Article on Indigenous and Intergenerational Learning in Families and Communities in Ethiopia
Study on Promoting Female Primary School Leadership in Ethiopia: Countering Culture
Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future (SAEF)
The University Living Lab
MPhil/PhD Studentship in an Evaluation of the Impact of Carbon Literacy Education
The Study and Evaluation of a High School Girls' Climate Change Education Program in Iran
Climate Change and the Educational Continuum: An Opportunity to put it into Practice in General Education in Senegal
Sustainable Mobility Research in Central Asia
Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PACE-SD)
Natural Resources and Marine Sciences
Marine Science Station (MSS)
Mineral Resources And Energy Management And Sustainable Development
The Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law (UCWOSL)
Makerere University Centre for Climate Change Research and Innovations (MUCCRI)
Strathmore Energy Research Centre (SERC)
Department of Environment, Governance and Sustainable Development
Centre for Research on Environment, Society and Space
Sustainable Built Environment Research
Resource Extraction and Sustainable Arctic Communities (2016-2020)
Center for Physico-Geographical and Soil Science Research, for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources
Renewable Energy Research Group
International Center for Development and Decent Work
Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Humboldt University Berlin
MEDEAS - Guiding European Policy towards a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy system Development under Environmental And Socioeconomic constraints - 2016-2019
ETA Programme (2017-2023)
Alfa Programme (2011-2019)
Smart Urban Mobility (redeMOV)
Women Research and Resource Centre (WRRC)
2017 Thesis Artistic Actions for Sustainability: Potential of Art in Education for Sustainability
Center for Sustainable Development Studies
Research Center for Education for Sustainable Development
Environmental Learning Research Centre
Centre for Research into Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development
FLOWERED Project (2016-2019)
Birla Institute Centre for Renewable Energy and Environment Development
Sustainable Ocean Research Centre
Vertically Integrated Projects for Sustainable Development
Publication "Building a Sustainable Future" 2023
InBestSoil Research Project
Amrita Center for Responsible Innovations and Sustainable Enterprises (ARISE)
Amrita Center for Environmental Studies
Institute of Science and Environment
Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science
Centre for Climate Change Studies (CCCS) - University of Dar es Salaam
Center for Sustainable Development - Qatar University
Centre for Development and the Environment
HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation)
Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
Sustainability Science, Technology and Policy (SUSTEP)
The Water Institute
Environmental Management Research Group
Environmental Laboratory of the University Meta
Observatory of Energy and Sustainable Development
The Water Research Institute (IdRA)
Center of Urban and Environmental Studies
Center for Social Sustainability - CSS
Reasearch and Teaching for Climate Action
UiO: Energy and Environment
Study on Mental Health and technology based tools for Students
The Euro - Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy
Promoting Sustainable Mountain Development for Global Change
2012-2015 Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme
2013-2016 Climate Change Adaptation Programme in Peru (PACC)
GRAID - Guidance for Resilience in the Anthropocene: Investments for development
SwedBio - knowledge interface at Stockholm Resilience Centre
EUA survey report on Greening in European higher education institutions (2021)
Sustainable Buildings Research Centre (SBRC)
The Sustainability Exchange
MOOC: Sustainability, Society and You
Education relating to the environment: Regards - Recherches – Réflexions
UNESCO IESALC Report on women in HE in Eastern Africa
United Nations Academic Impact
The Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS)
Future Cities Laboratory
The Institute for Land, Water and Society
Global Sustainability Institute (GSI)
Catalysing collaboration for an integrated approach to health - SDG 3 Cluster Whitepaper
Global Survey on Sustainable Lifestyles (GSSL)
Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP)
Cold Regions and Water Science Centre
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Paper: Teaching sustainability at the high sea: the “One Ocean Expedition”
IAU Cluster Action - Norway-Pacific Ocean-Climate Scholarship Programme (N-POC)
3rd International Forum on Innovative Technologies and Management for Sustainability (ITMS’2020)
Cycle of Conferences on Approaches in Agricultural Research
ANH Academy Week
Lancet-SIGHT Commission on Peaceful Societies through Health and Gender Equality
Research presentation on environmental pollution
PELCAN - Research Network from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
BRIDGES: a UNESCO coalition centered around sustainability science
The GREEiNSECT research project
Unleashing the potential of quinoa to improve nutrition and secure livelihoods in Bolivia
UNESCO IESALC Report on Women in higher education: has the female advantage put an end to gender inequalities?
Durham Energy Institute (DEI) and its current projects
The Priestley International Centre for Climate
Research on building climate-financial scenarios for financial institutions
Sustainability Research Unit (SRU)
Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)
Research and Consultancy Institute
Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, GMV
Centre for Research on Sustainable Development (CIEDES)
Charles University Environment Center
Research on ESD for Climate Change Adaption in the Pacific Islands
National Centre of Competence in Research
Integrative Training in Inter and Transdisciplinary Research Settings, North-South Partnerships
Sustainable Development Process in the Built Environment (SDP)
ESD Institute at Rikkyo University (formerly ESDRC)
Research on principles for a cost-effective and fair transition to Net Zero in the UK
Research on the impact of climate change on mental health and emotional wellbeing
Launch of the Global SDG Accountability Report: A Snapshot on Accountability for the 2030 Agenda
The working group Flying Faculties
Launch of IPBES-IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Climate Change
Call for papers on Green Criminology at the University of Oslo
ILO publishes reports on Green Jobs (2018-2020)
Welcome Report on Language-based equity in African health science research
Agenda 2030 as a Framework for Collaboration (AGERA) Report
EUA Report - A Green Deal Roadmap for Universities
Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2023
UNODC Report on Food Safety and Corruption in the Health Sector
The Habitable Air Project
Sustainable Futures
Resource - Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas)
ISC Report Unleashing Science: Delivering Missions for Sustainability (2021)
ISC Report Unleashing Science: Delivering Missions for Sustainability
INN Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Development
UNODC Global Report on Corruption in Sport
UNODC Report on Corruption and Gender
Ocean Resources and new Webpage UNFCCC
UN Innovation Network - Climate Change Innovation
The State of the Caribbean Climate Report
Rising Leaders on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change - Report 2015
10th ASCAAD International Conference
Youth and Innovation Forum at the UN Ocean Conference
Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans
PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate change (PhD SDC)
UUKI report: How climate change affects internationalization
Grants opportunity offered by Wellcome
Ebook: Re-Purposing Universities for Sustainable Human Progress
Arctic Graduate School with a focus on Sustainable Development
Umeå Transformation Research Initiative (UTRI)
The 2022 Gothenburg International Research Workshop on Sustainable Economic Growth and Decent Work for All
Antigua and Barbuda: Transitioning to the Blue Economy
WUN Report: Tertiary Education in a Warming World
Ceres2030: Sustainable solutions to end hunger - podcast
2022 Inter-Regional Research Symposium Sustainable Learning in Higher Education: Towards Sustainable Development
NEMOS Project
Makerere -Bergen Research School on Food and Water Security
The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic
U-Multirank Gender Monitor 2022 I Gender disparities in higher education
Politics4Future Research Project by the UNITWIN Network UNiESD&ST
ACU online events directed at Climate resilient researchers
New ACU Survey on Measures Supporting Research
SDGs Today Releases Three New Datasets on SDG 6
UNACH Webinar Series Trends in Higher Education 2023 (ESP)
UniNEtZ: A joint partnership for the SDGs
Funding for the SDGs Challenge
Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health
Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP)
Water & Soil Environmental Research Institute (WSERI)
"Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and progress on their implementation towards 2030" in Mexico City.
UN Global Pulse/Innovations Lab
Sustainablity Education at WSU
SubNetwork on Climate and Environmental Change - UNIMED
Student Grants programme for Sustainable Development - Charles University
Sustainable Island Futures - University of Aruba
The contribution of higher education institutions to lifelong learning - Webinar Recording and Publication
SDG Mapping project - Utrecht University
Transforming Education for Sustainable Development : Engaging Youth in Universities and Beyond - Webinar
"Building together the future of education: innovation, interdisciplinary research and open science"-Bootcamp
DAAD Programmes for Climate Action and Sustainability
Global Schools Toolkit: "Integrating Sustainable Development into National Education Priorities: A Practical Guide for Policymakers, Practitioners, and Researchers"
Digital Library of UN DESA
Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER)
Global Education and Learning - GEL Database
Academic Network on Global Education & Learning - ANGEL
Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID)
5th ASEF Young Leaders Summit Open Call & Overview
Gender portal/Podcast and resources
Sustainable Development Report 2023 - SDSN
Universities launch Africa-Europe Clusters of Research Excellence to pioneer new approach to equitable collaboration
European Declaration on Global Education to 2050 - The Dublin Declaration
Whole School Approaches to Sustainability: Exemplary Practices from around the world - Report
GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework
German ESD competence centers
The Learning Places project - Space-oriented educational processes in Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Videos for ESD/Teaching from INN
UVED map of HEIs and ecological transition
Publication from the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative
Research and Innovation at the University of Coimbra
"Nation-based peer assessment of Europe’s Sustainable Development Goal performance" - UCD
Tier Classification for Global SDG Indicators - UN
Structuring Projects by the University of Coimbra
SD Initiatives by the University of Coimbra
Kwsaypacha, Society and Environment Journal - PUCP
University of York Five-Year Strategic Plan (2023-2027)
Call for Papers "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development" - Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education
NDC-SDG Connections: connecting climate action to the Sustainable Development Goals.
European platform for community engagement in higher education
SDG Learncast
Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2023
SDG Accord Report 2023: Progress towards the Global Goals in the University and College sector
Cap-Net Online Courses
The Network of Protected Areas (RAP)
Center for Research in Marine Sciences and Limnology (CIMAR)
Center for Research in Biodiversity and Tropical Ecology (CIBET)
School of Biology - University of Costa Rica
Climate Action Plan - IUPUI
Climate Action Planning Committee - IUPUI
Article on Futures and hope of global citizenship education
MECCE Call for Proposals on Climate Change Education
Call for Contributions: The Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers Review Process
2017 Release of "Higher Education Paving the Way to Sustainable Development: A Global Perspective"
Joint paper on WIA - IAU HESD Cluster on SDG 4
UNESCO in action for gender equality: 2022-2023 Report
RCE Sustainable Consumption and Production Publication