The city is conceived as a space where the social contract is renewed and revitalized. The world is off-track towards achieving SDG 11, calling for accelerated, upscaled, and concerted actions to leave no one and no place behind. On this path, multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral partnerships are key enablers towards realising the goal’s targets by 2030.
The Session 9: "SDG 11: Progress, challenges, lessons learned and tools for sustainable transformation of cities" will discuss progress, learnings, and challenges towards achieving SDG 11 and present innovative tools, data, and initiatives addressing SDG 11 and the urban dimension of the 2030 Agenda from multi-dimensional perspectives, specifically from higher education, research, data, and accessibility angles.
This joint session is organized by the Sustainable Cities Institute, World Blind Union (WBU), UNIBO and University of Paris Saclay, and the International Association of Universities (IAU) and took place on Friday 14 of July 2023 at 8.30 am virtually.
Find out more information about the SDG 11 Workshop here.
Watch the session recording here.
Additional Links and presentations can be accessed via this document.