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Academic Network on Global Education & Learning - ANGEL

In recent years the debate on global education and learning has gained momentum in the international and European educational and political spheres, becoming prominent in government, civil society, academic and educational discourses.

In this context the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning, aims at forging a European community of researchers and scholars in the field of GE, who, despite the existing important cooperation and personal links, do not benefit from a structural framework of support across Europe. 

This network has been established in close cooperation between Global Education Network of Europe (GENE) and the Development Education Research Centre (DERC) at the UCL Institute of Education, and builds upon foundational collaborations between these organisations and the University of Bamberg in Germany, the University of Oulu in Finland, and the University of Bologna in Italy. This was in response to the need to establish and reinforce existing relationships among scholars and academic institutions working in global education and related areas. It also aims to form a pool of experts which can become a resource for policymakers in search of strong research grounding for policy development, and to establish a network among early stage researchers, Doctoral students and Post-Doctoral researchers, who are currently engaged in research in fields related to Global Education.

Find out more about the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning.

Latest update: 26.09.2023