SDGs associated
Action Category

TEMPO - Trans-European Mobility Project on Education for Sustainable Development

The TEMPO Project seeks to have a significant impact for the HEIs of the Third Countries (lot 5) not just through the mobility, which the project will naturally promote, but also by focusing on the sustainability of the multilateral ties that will ensue. And also and by seeking through education and professional training, to provide practical results in terms of a better quality of life, and to promote a healthier environment and a striving for sustainable development of the countries by:

  • Encouraging the assimilation of the European Union Higher Education System into the Third Countries of lot 5 (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) by increasing these countries’ awareness toward the advantages of being part of the wider continental European educational system.
  • Offering an equal opportunity for students and staff - through systematic mobility - to enrich their knowledge, skills, and to promote the concept of sustainability in their own countries.
  • Encouraging the promotion of the common values of respect for gender equity, human rights, fundamental freedoms, peace, democracy, good governance, the rule of law, solidarity and justice.
  • Sharing research resources, attaining educational standards and management capacities between the European Partners’ and their partners from Third countries (lot 5).
  • Raising the employability at the Third Countries (lot 5) to contribute in the undergoing process of the diversification of their economies.
  • Developing international programs for future strategic collaboration in terms of research and business.
  • Striving towards the objectives set by the United Nations, the European Union and the Erasmus Mundus, such as smart growth, environmental protection and sustainable development for the countries covered by the TEMPO project.

The Trans-European Mobility Project On Education for Sustainable Development – TEMPO – aims at achieving the objectives set by of the Erasmus Mundus Program for mobility, and to combine these objectives with a transdisciplinary approach and the principles of Sustainable Development. It intends to be an investment in diverse, modernized and interconnected higher education/research that will provide future leaders with better skills and competences to respond to the needs of today’s unsustainable world. Therefore, the objective of the TEMPO Project is to promote a Trans-European exchange of knowledge, experience and management in Higher Education Institutions for the establishment of cooperation ties of HEIs between the European Union and Third counties (lot5) in the areas of:

- Architecture and Urban planning;

- Transport and traffic studies;

- Chemistry and Biology;

- Chemical engineering (and others - engineering, technology);

- Environmental sciences and ecology;

- Business studies, management science.

The involvement of these strategic and actual scientific areas will contribute to achieving practical results in terms of a healthier environment, a better quality of life, and also to the achievement of sustainable development of the countries covered by TEMPO Partnership.

In conclusion, the objectives of the TEMPO Project are to strengthen Trans-European academic, cultural and professional relations which will contribute to the number of highly qualified professionals. They will assimilate the values and concepts of Western European culture that will certainly be a good response to today’s globalization challenges.

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Latest update: 21.11.2023