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SDG3 brief on student mental health, UNESCO IESALC

To celebrate World Mental Health Day in 2024, UNESCO IESALC launched the SDG brief "Supporting the mental health and well-being of higher education students". Data shows that up to 50% of higher education students may face mental health challenges, and the figure spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic. As awareness increases, higher education institutions (HEIs) are also expanding their efforts to provide improved mental health services and to create a more supportive environment for their students. 

The SDG brief speaks on current challenges, good institutional practices, relevant policies, and recommendations for HEIs. 

More information

To read the press release for the brief, please click the following link - New brief on student mental health support in higher education released – UNESCO-IESALC
To read the full brief, please click the following link - Supporting the mental health and well-being of higher education students - UNESCO Digital Library

Latest update: 11.10.2024