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Higher Education
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for Sustainable
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About IAU HESD initiatives
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IAU HESD Strategy
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
IAU Global HESD Cluster
IAU Publications
HE for SDGs in action
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Mental Health
Main navigation
About IAU HESD initiatives
What is HESD?
IAU HESD Strategy
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs
IAU Global HESD Cluster
IAU Publications
HE for SDGs in action
Documents & Tools
Members & Partners
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News & Events
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Latest actions
Call for PapersĀ - Access and geopolitics: Next steps in tackling the equity crisis in global Higher Education
SDG Teach In - Putting the Sustainable Development Goals at the heart of education
Journal: AI as a lever for sustainable development in Africa
Call for submissions: University Climate Action in the Global South and Caribbean
The Engaged University
See other actions
Mental health
SDG3 brief on student mental health, UNESCO IESALC
Mindfulness Practices for Students in Society
Recording and Summary available: 2020 Webinar on SDG 3 Health - UOC and IAU Cluster
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Sustainable Health
Study on Mental Health and technology based tools for Students
KEDGE Wellness Service
Research on the impact of climate change on mental health and emotional wellbeing
Presentation Webinar SDG 3 Gadjah Mada University
Presentation Webinar SDG 3 Makerere University
UOC and IAU SDG 3 Cluster Webinar: Addressing Mental Health and Wellbeing in Universities