
Students Reinventing Cities Competition

After the success of the past edition, C40 has launched a new round of Students Reinventing Cities in 12 cities globally. Students Reinventing Cities provides a unique opportunity for academics and students to collaborate with global cities to imagine a more sustainable and inclusive urban future, by rethinking how neighborhoods identified by cities are planned and designed and developing transformative solutions aligned with the 15-minute city concept.

AUF International Consortium for Gender Equality

Two years of collaborative work in favor of Gender Equality at the University: experience the workshop of the International Consortium initiated by the AUF

The #ARC9 Report on “Asia-Europe Higher Education Mapping: Working Towards the SDGs" and the recording of the launch are now available online!

The 9th edition of ARC (ARC9) explores and maps both higher education policies and higher education institution practices across Asia and Europe that contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Launch of Net Zero on Campus: A guide and accompanying toolkit for universities and colleges to accelerate climate action worldwide

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Climateworks Centre, and Monash University have come together to leverage their expertise and networks of academic institutions around the world to develop a guide to net zero campuses and this accompanying online toolkit. Both serve as timely and valuable resources that build on frameworks and tools developed by universities at the forefront of climate action around the world.

2023 HESI Global Forum

Don't miss the 2023 HESI Global Forum which will take place on Monday, 17 July 2023! Registration is now open both in person and virtually!

University of Manouba Networking Day: Heading to SDGs Achievement - The 4th Edition

The University of Manouba is organizing the fourth edition of the "Manouba Networking Day" event on May 10 and 11, 2023 under the theme: "Manouba Networking Day: Heading to SDGs Achievement".

ESD-Net 2030 Learning Webinar on ESD Pedagogies

The third edition of the ESD-Net learning webinar which will take place on Wednesday, 31st of May 2023, 13:00-15:00 CET. This will be the occasion to take part in distinct workshops that will highlight innovative practices and key competencies in ESD through a broad range of topics and issues. You will be invited to contribute to knowledge-sharing activities, collaboration, and mutual learning to strengthen your knowledge of ESD pedagogical approaches and capacity to implement ESD in your local context.

ESD Okayama Award 2023 - Open for applications!

Okayama City and the ESD Okayama Award Steering Board are calling for initiatives that contribute to the spread of ESD in local communities in Japan and abroad and serve as models for the world. The award is looking for projects that educate and develop people to learn from each other and take action toward the creation of a sustainable society from various perspectives, such as environmental conservation, community development, inheritance of traditional culture, and diversity and inclusion, and more. Be sure to send your applications!

Arctic Congress Bodø 2024

Join us at Arctic Congress Bodø 2024 for a unique event that combines the International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS) XI, UArctic Congress 2024, and High North Dialogue 2024.

RCE Sustainable Consumption and Production Publication

A new publication from the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), "Driving Sustainable Consumption and Production at the Local Level: Education for Sustainable Development Projects from the Global RCE Network", features 12 innovative sustainable consumption and production education projects developed by Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCEs).

ANGEL Conference 2023

Conceived as a major, internationally focused gathering, the ANGEL Conference 2023 aims to bring together interested parties from all backgrounds for two exciting days of sessions showcasing and discussing research, projects, and new developments connected to Global Education and Learning or Global Citizenship Education, and other related fields
such as Development Education, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Peace, and Intercultural Education.

The Cost of Net Zero in Education- Report and Calculator

The new Cost of Net Zero Calculator tool, together with the report ‘The Cost of Net Zero’ have been launched.

2023 SDG Summit

"The SDG Summit in September must be a moment of unity to provide a renewed impetus and accelerated actions for reaching the SGDs": António Guterres, UN Secretary General

HLPF Session 9: "SDG 11: Progress, challenges, lessons learned and tools for sustainable transformation of cities"

Urbanisation is undoubtedly one of the major global trends of this century. How we govern, plan, and design our cities and urban communities impacts the realisation of human rights for all and how the growing urban inequalities are addressed.

Announcement of the 2023 International Green Gown Awards Winners

Get to know the winners of the award ceremony on 17 July at the UN HLPF!

17th PASCAL Conference: New Challenges for Higher Education, Cities and Regions: Addressing SDGs in Changing Contexts - July 4-6 2024

Under the general theme of the conference, New Challenges for Higher Education, Cities and Regions: Addressing SDGs in Changing Contexts, key issues address both the larger international dimension of the mission of universities and colleges with the aim of contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and their role for the development and well-being of cities and local communities.

Recording available - Webinar on Community and partnership-based approaches to capacity building in the water sector

The world is not on track to achieve SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, with significant challenges remaining in almost every country on earth. Addressing the alarming state of global water and sanitation was made even more urgent during the UN Water Conference in March 2023...

IAU HESD Activity Report 2022-23 - available now

Discover the recent actions from the network in the annual Cluster activity report!